Is there a cost to join the Fine Arts Institute?
There is NO CHARGE to students for being in the program. The District covers all fees related to the Fine Arts Institute.
How did the Fine Arts Institute begin?
The foundation work that established this Institute was conceived and developed by East High School staff, parents, and alumni in recognition of the need and motivation to elevate the Fine Arts in our attendance area.
Must a student be enrolled at East High School in Green Bay to be a student in the Fine Arts Institute?
No. Once a student has applied, auditioned and been accepted into the Fine Arts Institute, they may choose to have a different high school be their “home” school. At this time, transportation is not available and it is recommended that a student consider East High as their home school to better utilize all the opportunities that occur throughout a school day.
Which of the Fine Arts are offered for study?
We currently offer Music, Visual Arts, Theatre Arts, Literary Arts and Dance. Individual programs of study within each discipline are developed collaboratively with the student, parents, private instructor(s), East High School faculty and the Fine Arts Coordinator.
What is required of students to participate in this Institute?
Student selection will be made using an application process. Application forms are now available
Selection criteria will include: (all applications and additional materials may be e-mailed)
A completed application including a student essay
Recommendation of two (2) private and/or school fine arts teachers
A statement of commitment from parent(s) to assure support
Current enrollment in lessons or performance group(s) or a desire to do so
An audition for music and theatre students (this will be a scheduled appointment audition)
Three digitally submitted examples of art pieces for visual arts students
Literary Arts students may submit a sample of their writing. It may be prose, poetry, short story etc.
Are there additional expectations of students who will be enrolled in the Institute?
Yes. All students of the Institute for the Fine Arts will be expected to enroll in and successfully complete a Comparative Arts course. Music Strand students must enroll and successfully complete a Basic Music Theory and Advanced Music Theory class at East High School. Students enrolling in AP Music Theory will be required to take the AP test. Additionally, all students of the Institute will be expected to join at least one Fine Arts co curricular organization or a Fine Arts community-based organization that is an extension of their fine arts strand. Visual Arts Strand students will have separate requirements including Drawing, Design and Sculpture.
What type of academic credit will students receive for their work in the Fine Arts?
Students will receive a grade at the completion of the academic year. One-half elective credit is awarded to a student for their involvement in the Fine Arts Institute.
Will independent and advanced study opportunities be provided at the school itself?
Independent study opportunities are available and can be coordinated with the Fine Arts Program Coordinator and the Student Services offices. A Senior Capstone course is also available for Institute students and can include utilization of local community college and universities.
Can I request students to perform at my event?
Yes! Please fill out the
Performance Request & Reservation Form.